The library has separate periodicals section and subscribes 232 (202
Journals + 30 Magazines) International and National periodicals. The
library receives regularly Journals, news letters from organizations and
societies provides the staff and students latest information’s in
technical education, research and development activities.
Reference Section
The reference section of the library has rich collection of International editions of
Reference books, Hand books, Conference proceedings,Encyclopedias, GATE/IELTS/GMATE Exam
Exams & all Category of Entrance Exams.
Back Volumes
This Library Has Separate Back Volumes Section. we have large collection of 4283 Back
Volumes. Back Volumes Of Journals Have Been Neatly Bounded And Arranged Under Subject
Wise And Year Wise For Reference.
Project Reports
This library has separate Project Report section. It receives 4321 Project report from
our departments. It have been neatly bounded and arranged under subject wise and year
wise for future reference. Newspapers, weekly and fortnightly magazines of repute are
subscribed to enable the students to keep abreast of day-to-day trends. The library
comprises of an Audio-Visual section equipped with LCD TV.
Digital Media
The library has separate Digital Media section has 989 Non-Book Materials.This library
receives subscribed books CD/DVD, Sonaversity Engineering Subject
CD/DVD,GATE/GMATE/TOEFL and other Magazines CD/DVDs regularly provides the staff and
students for their latest informations in technical education, research and development
Book Issue Policy
All Students, Faculty, Administrative staff and supporting staff of the
college are entitled to become members of the central library. The
membership application forms can be obtaining from circulation counter
and should be submitted through proper channel. Each student is given 4
library cards and Staff 5 cards.Books are lent to students for 15 days &
for staff for 6 Months and can be renewed with 15 days.Fine is levied
for late return of books.
Book Bank Scheme
As per the directions of Government of Tamil Nadu, the library has got a book bank scheme
exclusively for the SC/ST students. The students can avail four additional books for a
semester apart from their regular library cards.
Back Volumes
Back volumes of journals have been neatly bounded and arranged under subject wise and
year wise for reference.
Book Lost
If the books are lost, Then the borrower shall replace the books of the same edition or
latest edition of the book including the fine of Due dates after getting permission from
the librarian.
Online Public Access Catalogue
The library is equipped with computerised On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) for
searching availability of books and CD-ROMs.Barcode system is followed in all
transactions.we are maintained 2 Separate Server.
Conference Hall
Conference Hall is housed in the Library building. The capacity of this
hall is 100. Here readers can sit and watch the educational movies. They
can aslo use this Auditorium for conducting of video conforencing,
Seminars, workshops and presentations.
Audio Visual Section
The AV Section is having 47 inch colour television (LG make) for effective and efficient
utilization of Subject related Videos and Students Project Vi along with some general
knowledge informations.
Survelence Camera facility is available in the library.
Book Lost
If the books are lost, Then the borrower shall replace the books of the same edition or
latest edition of the book including the fine of Due dates after getting permission from
the librarian.
Photocopying facility is available in the library. Nominal charge is collected for
photocopying service. PhotoCopy= 0.75/- Print = 1/-
Online Public Access Catalogue
The library is equipped with computerised On-line Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) for
searching availability of books and CD-ROMs.Barcode system is followed in all
transactions.we are maintained 2 Separate Server.